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Hydroseeding is a process of combining water, premium grass seed, fertiliser and protective mulch together. The fertiliser and mulch mixture provides an ideal nurturing environment for seed germination to establish a lush dense and healthy lawn. ... -
Testimonials Global
From lawns to hard and soft landscaping, we can offer it all. We strive to achieve perfection with every completed job and always do our very best to ensure our clients are satisfied with our service. Here's what some of our clients had to say about us!... -
Concrete Kerbing
Concrete kerbing is one way of keeping your lawn looking tidy. Used often as a boundary between gardens and lawns, concrete kerbing provides a sharp divide between the two areas making sure any bark mulch is kept in the garden and the grass growth is contained to the lawn.... -
We aren't just good with softscapes, we're great with hardscapes too! Over the years we have expanded our business to include fencing. We are lucky enough to have a team of qualified, capable and experienced fencers on the job ready to build your fence. Whether it be a neighbour-friendly boundary fe... -
Roll out turf
Roll out Turf is a very effective option for those who want an instant lawn and do not want to go through the process of waiting for a new lawn to grow. The Roll out Turf we supply is already at least 12 months old, meaning it is mature and established when laid, alleviating any growing pains or tim... -
Artificial Turf
If you would rather spend your weekends enjoying your pastimes instead of mowing lawns then artificial turf may be the answer you are looking for. You can have lush looking grass year round, without the expense of mowing, weeding, watering and fertilising. Artificial turf is an excellent option for ... -
When comparing a well designed irrigation system for your lawn and garden to hand watering, irrigation wins every time. An automatic irrigation system is more effective in coverage and cost, as well as conserving water. With an irrigation system you can expect a beautifully dense and healthy lawn al... -
Retaining Walls
Retaining walls are relatively rigid walls used for supporting soil laterally so that it can be retained at different levels on either side of the wall. These walls are designed to restrain soil to a slope that it would not normally keep to.... -
We recommend pavers for any service area or shaded area surrounding a house. It's not often that grass will thrive in a narrow and shaded area that endures a lot of foot traffic but no maintenance is required from pavers! We love to pair the pavers up with river stones or small plants that provide a... -
Planter boxes
Whether it be for herbs, vegetables, or just extra planting space, planter boxes can be a great feature for a backyard adding depth and an opportunity to 'grow your own'!... -
Pathways provide a sense of structure and create connection between various elements within your outdoor living space. When choosing your materials, consideration should be given to how often the pathway will be used. For high traffic areas, concrete is durable and can be designed with patterns and ... -
Site preparation & excavation
Site preparation is one of the most crucial steps in ensuring the best possible outcome for your new lawn and landscaping areas. Poorly prepared ground will not produce the best results for your lawn. ... -
Mulching & Garden Coverage
Bark mulches are best used around trees, shrubs, and in garden beds where you won't be doing a lot of digging, like front walkways and foundation plantings. Bark makes for a long lasting mulch and is a hardy suppressant of weeds, as well as a good option for reducing moisture loss. Over time, the ba... -
Erosion control
The Rapid Lawn Erosion Control Blankets provide a fantastic solution to erosion prevention. This product, Bemnet, is a unique continuous filament, biodegradable non-woven fabric. It has been specifically designed to establish uniform turf by preventing superficial erosion caused by rain and wind.... -
Landscape design
We offer irrigation designs, visual concepts for backyard makeovers, landscaping plans for resource consent, detailed planting plans, 3D concepts and artistic hand-drawn sketches. Whether you have an idea in mind or are working with a blank slate and lacking inspiration we are here to design a lands... -
Patch Repair Kits
Erosion Control
Seed and Grass Variety
We have a wide range of grass varieties available to suit your needs! If you're unsure of which grass type would be best suited to your property and lifestyle then we can give you a hand! We take all things into consideration: do you have kids? will the grass be heavily used? are there dogs or other... -
Bemnet Blankets
The Rapid Lawn Erosion Control Blankets provide a fantastic solution to erosion prevention. This product, Bemnet, is a unique continuous filament, biodegradable non-woven fabric. It has been specifically designed to establish uniform turf by preventing superficial erosion caused by rain and wind. Th... -
Rapid Lawn & Landscaping have the solution to transform your outdoor living space. Check out our services and products below for more information. Not sure what services you need? Drop us a line to tell us about your project and any questions you have, and we will take care of the planning for y... -
Rapid Lawn specializes in hydroseeding, roll out turf or artificial turf installation, ground preparation, erosion control, irrigation, landscape design and plant installation. We can create premium quality lawns and landscaping for all retirement lifestyle villages, residential, or commercial proje... -
General settings
Caring for your Lawn
All new lawns need care, especially in the first few weeks. The requirements for care vary for different grass types however all new lawns will need watering, mowing, fertilising, weed and pest control. ... -
Your new lawn can be mowed as soon as the grass blades are between 60 - 70mm tall and the ground is dry, taking extra care when turning the mower as the wheels can cause damage to the root structure and any new growth. With a hydroseeded or Tall Fescue roll out lawn, keep the lawn to a minimum of 50... -
Like anything living it's important to feed your new lawn adequately to ensure continued growth and good health. Regular fertilising will ensure the lawn maintains a lush, dense sward which will reduce the likelihood of weeds appearing. First apply fertiliser 3-6 weeks after the new lawn is install... -
All grasses can be susceptible to diseases, it's just a matter of caring for your lawn correctly to avoid diseases before they begin. Caring for your lawn regularly also helps to keep weed growth at bay. ... -
Crown Rust
Also known as leaf rust, crown rust can infect grasses. It's name comes from one of its spore types - a teliospore - which is characterised by prongs that create a crown-like structure. The disease is characterised by small, scattered orange pustules, each containing thousands of spores that spread ... -
Tips & Advice
We have every intention on providing you with the correct information so that you can keep your new lawn or garden looking lush and vibrant. Upon acceptance of the quote you will be provided with a care guide that outlines how to care for your new lawn. In addition to the care guide, we are happy to... -
Category 1
Category 2
Category 3
Projects & Case studies
Whether it be planning the landscaping for a new build, designing a space for entertaining, revamping tired old lawns and gardens, or working on larger commercial projects or retirement villages, we've got you covered! Over the years, we have worked with many different companies and home owners to p... -
Longlands Retirement Village, Matamata
Privacy Policy
The Internet offers the chance to collect information about site users. This information can be personally identifiable information or aggregated information. This Privacy Policy tells you what information we collect, what we do with it and your rights to correct or change it. At, we... -
Hydroseeding Units
Rapid Lawn Ltd have over 20 years’ experience in Hydroseeding and know what it takes to get the job done.Due to manufacturing and importation costs these machines have become unaffordable. We thought we would make our own machines to become more a more reliable, cost effective Hydroseeder that will ... -
Rapid Lawn Ltd are the Australasian distributors for the complete range of Epic Manufacturing Hydroseeding and Hydro-mulching Machines, and Turf Teq Professional ground care and preparation equipment. The Hydroseeding machines are used by landscapers, construction contractors, roading contractors, l... -
Rapid Lawn and Landscaping is a locally owned and operated company based in Papamoa since 2007. Originally established as a new lawn installation business specialising in hydroseeded lawns, our business has grown to meet the needs of our clients. Our core services now include design and installation... -
Have a question or want to arrange a site visit to discuss your next landscaping project? Rapid Lawn & Landscaping have the outdoor living solution for you! Contact us now or fill out the form below and one of our friendly, knowledgeable staff will be in touch soon!... -
Commercial Customers
No project is too big or too small for us to take on! From small beginnings in private landscaping, we now work with some of New Zealand's most accredited construction companies, builders, engineers, and architects to assist in the completion of larger projects. Providing our assistance within the l... -
Form settings
Ground Prep
For ground preparation we use Turf Teq equipment. Turf Teq is designed to offer exceptional results from fast operation, saving valuable time and energy. This is why Turf Teq is consistently recognized as a top equipment choice for landscaping professionals worldwide. What sets these machines apart... -
Roll out turf
Roll out Turf is a very efficient and effective option for those who want an instant new lawn but do not want to go through the growing pains of waiting for a newly hydroseeded or hand-seeded lawn to grow. It can be laid anytime of year which gives it the upper-hand on hydroseeding where you need to... -
Roll out Turf
Turf Teq Power Rake
Turf Teq Power Edger
Weed & Pest Control
Weed and pest control are an ongoing process that can fit in with your fertilising schedule. Generally weeds will appear once the soil has been aerated. Hand pick out smaller weeds that appear straight away. At the 8 week mark and preferably not before, a broadleaf weed spray can be applied. We reco... -
All lawns require watering particularly during the drier summer months. It is very important that for the first 4 weeks that the soil, hydroseeding pulp mix and/or newly germinating lawn remains damp at all times. This may mean that during hot weather or prolonged dry periods it will require waterin... -
Kainga Ora Rotorua Multi Build
Mainfreight Transport Tauranga
Ocean Beach Road, Mount Maunganui
Turf Teq Power Broom
Turf Teq Power Plow
Turf Teq Brush Cutter
Join us
Landscapers / Machine Operators / Labourers Exciting projects, opportunity to advance your skills and career, competitive hourly rate, positive team environment! Are you an experienced landscaper looking for a new challenge? Maybe you just love the outdoors, are fit and creative and looking to try ... -
Tuihana Drive, Papamoa
Taioma Close, Papamoa
Blanche Road, Papamoa
Sanctuary Point, Poike - Venture Developments
Stevenson Drive, Papamoa
Terms and Conditions
1.1 "Rapid Lawn" means P W Harvey Ltd trading as Rapid Lawn, its successors and assigns, or any person acting on behalf of and with the authority of P W Harvey Ltd. 1.2 "Client" means the person/s ordering the Works as specified in any invoice document or order, and if there is more than one Client... -
RL300 Hydroseeding Unit
Common Weed & Pest Identification
The old adage "prevention is better than cure" goes for your lawn as well. Keeping on top of your weed and feed schedule and checking for pests regularly will prevent potential headaches and costly repairs or even a lawn replacement down the track! Here we help you identify the common weeds and pest... -
Paspalum (Paspalum dilatatum) is a common North Island lawn weed that appears in summer. It spreads through your lawn with rhizomatous roots. It forms low growing flat tufts of wide bladed grass and has 'sticky' seed heads late in the summer months. As well as being unsightly, it can become a proble... -
How to Prevent and Fix Dog Urine Damage
When you get a pup you probably expect there’s going to be some wear and tear to your lawn, especially if you’ve got a hole digger! What you might not realise is that their urine can damage and kill your grass. This problem is something we get asked about a lot and have heard lots of misguided truth... -
Freedom Villages Retirement, Rotorua Lakes
Irrigation Systems | Lawn & Garden
An irrigation system can be a helpful tool for maintaining a healthy, vibrant garden or lawn. Whether you're looking to conserve water, streamline your watering routine, or ensure your landscape stays hydrated during Tauranga’s hot summers, the right irrigation system offers practical benefits. From... -
Artificial Grass vs Natural Grass
Dream of having a green lawn all year round or just don’t have time to keep a natural lawn? Have you thought about switching to artificial grass? With years of knowledge in installing artificial grass, we have written this ultimate guide to answer all the questions you might have. Ok, first of all w... -
Instant Lawn Installation Tauranga: Grass Options, Costs & Care
At Rapid Lawn, we understand that your outdoor area is an extension of your living space and an important part of your home. A lush lawn can enhance your outdoor living as a place to relax, entertain, and enjoy life, from backyard cricket to summer BBQs. In this guide, we’ll walk you through every...
Have questions?
Contact us today for more information or to arrange a no obligation measure and quote.