Your new lawn can be mowed as soon as the grass blades are between 60 - 70mm tall and the ground is dry, taking extra care when turning the mower as the wheels can cause damage to the root structure and any new growth.
With a hydroseeded or Tall Fescue roll out lawn, keep the lawn to a minimum of 50mm. Mowing will stimulate more growth, so it is important to mow at the correct height and avoid any "scalping" of the new grass blades. Never remove more than the top 1/3 of the grass blade.
Keep your mower blades sharp and catcher your grass clippings as these can leach nitrogen and burn the new lawn.
Caring for your Lawn
All new lawns need care, especially in the first few weeks. The requirements for care vary for different grass types however all new lawns will need watering, mowing, fertilising, weed and pest control.
All lawns require watering particularly during the drier summer months.
It is very important that for the first 4 weeks that the soil, hydroseeding pulp mix and/or newly germinating lawn remains damp at all times. This may mean that during hot weather or prolonged dry periods it will require watering up to 4 times per day for 15 minutes each time.
If a sprinkler system is installed, please make sure that all areas are being covered evenly, as wind can sometimes blow the water off course. Hand watering may be required in some areas that dry off quicker than others, in addition to pre-set timed cycles. Avoid creating pools or rivers.
After 4 weeks the watering can be reduced to allow it to dry out slightly between watering. This helps stimulate root development.
Your new lawn can be mowed as soon as the grass blades are between 60 - 70mm tall and the ground is dry, taking extra care when turning the mower as the wheels can cause damage to the root structure and any new growth.
With a hydroseeded or Tall Fescue roll out lawn, keep the lawn to a minimum of 50mm. Mowing will stimulate more growth, so it is important to mow at the correct height and avoid any "scalping" of the new grass blades. Never remove more than the top 1/3 of the grass blade.
Keep your mower blades sharp and catcher your grass clippings as these can leach nitrogen and burn the new lawn.
Like anything living it's important to feed your new lawn adequately to ensure continued growth and good health. Regular fertilising will ensure the lawn maintains a lush, dense sward which will reduce the likelihood of weeds appearing.
First apply fertiliser 3-6 weeks after the new lawn is installed (before any signs of yellowing occur). Fertilising should then be done every 6-8 weeks to keep it looking great!
The fertiliser needs to be a good quality one with a blend of nitrogen, sulphur and potassium. Please apply this using a lawn fertiliser spreader (spinner), to avoid getting stripes on the lawn. Always remember to water fertiliser in well or apply before rain is forecast, to avoid burning the grass.
Ensure that you remove any fertiliser granules from your driveway, paths or patios using a broom or a blower as it may leave a rust stain on the concrete if left.
We can supply fertiliser to you. The cost is $25 plus GST for 10kg which will cover approx 500m². Please get in touch to order!
Weed & Pest Control
Weed and pest control are an ongoing process that can fit in with your fertilising schedule.
Generally weeds will appear once the soil has been aerated. Hand pick out smaller weeds that appear straight away.
At the 8 week mark and preferably not before, a broadleaf weed spray can be applied. We recommend using a product like Yates Turfix according to the manufacturer's instructions.
To reduce weed growth:
- Keep your lawn a little longer. Weeds can't grow if the light can't reach them.
- Thicker lawn means fewer weeds. To encourage lush, thick growth, once your lawn is established continue to fertilise it on a regular basis.
- Weed control should be done 3-4 times per year.
Regularly check for damage caused by lawn pests (i.e. Grass Grub, Black Beetle) and treat accordingly. If left, some pests can significantly damage or destroy a lawn.
Please note that some weed and pest treatment sprays should only be applied by a licensed applicator and at label rates. Please speak with us if you are unsure.
All grasses can be susceptible to diseases, it's just a matter of caring for your lawn correctly to avoid diseases before they begin. Caring for your lawn regularly also helps to keep weed growth at bay.
Crown Rust
Also known as leaf rust, crown rust can infect grasses. It's name comes from one of its spore types - a teliospore - which is characterised by prongs that create a crown-like structure. The disease is characterised by small, scattered orange pustules, each containing thousands of spores that spread by wind to infect neighbouring plants and fields.
Crown rust typically affects both Rye grass and Kentucky Bluegrass
It is most common for crown rust to occur from early summer to late autumn but is particularly prominent in mild, humid weather conditions. The affected grass appears rust coloured and is most commonly seen on low fertility soils where there are dry conditions and the absence of rain or irrigation.
Fungicides for crown rust are protective in nature and for best results they must be applied before the infection progresses too far - apply a fertiliser that is rich in nitrogen
Common Weed & Pest Identification
The old adage "prevention is better than cure" goes for your lawn as well. Keeping on top of your weed and feed schedule and checking for pests regularly will prevent potential headaches and costly repairs or even a lawn replacement down the track! Here we help you identify the common weeds and pests that could attack your lawn.
Paspalum (Paspalum dilatatum) is a common North Island lawn weed that appears in summer. It spreads through your lawn with rhizomatous roots. It forms low growing flat tufts of wide bladed grass and has 'sticky' seed heads late in the summer months. As well as being unsightly, it can become a problem by smothering your chosen lawn seed variety.
Manual removal is possible if you find it while the weed is small and all the roots and rhizomes can be removed. However, if any are left behind they will sprout again. Remove using a hand tool such as a garden trowel.
Spot treatment with a glyphosate based product such as Roundup by either selective spraying or using a paint-on application method is recommended for most lawn types (except Fine Fescue). Because glyphosate is a non-selective herbicide, it will kill any other grass or plants it comes into contact with, so be sure to concentrate on applying to just the paspalum and only spray in still conditions.
For a Fine Fescue lawn a selective herbicide product such as Ignite should be used at the recommended label rate. Apply during the active growth stage and preferably apply using the paint-on application method to avoid further damage to the lawn.
For further control of paspalum:
- Be sure to mow regularly and to the correct height for your lawn type.
- Fertilise regularly to keep your lawn healthy, strong, and less susceptible to weeds.
- Water your lawn deeply and less often to ensure the root system is strong and more resistant to weed invasion.
- Consider aerating your lawn once or twice a year to improve the overall soil health.
Have questions?
Contact us today for more information or to arrange a no obligation measure and quote.