Longlands Matamata is a retirement village situated in Matamata, a rural town nestled beneath the Kaimai Ranges. Longlands consists of over 50 houses, with the options of one bedroom duplex's, two bedroom duplex's, three bedroom duplex's, three bedroom stand-alone's, and one bedroom apartments. We were lucky enough to have been welcomed on board to take care of all of the landscaping from the outset of the build. From irrigation, bark mulch, ground preparation and grass installation, to planting trees and shrubs as per Freedom Village's specifications, we've done it all!
Our work at Longlands Matamata began in early 2019 and was completed in April 2022. We have worked closely alongside Venture Developments to make sure every part of the preparation, installation and completion is up to Freedom's standard and our own. We take immense care and pride in our work and like to make sure that our team on site are always working to the highest standard.